Tuesday, January 5, 2010

6th February Market Applications open!

Crafty peeps, start your engines!


Just click on the link above to use our funky online application form.

Things to note:
  • The process is not first in best dressed, but rather local artisans, members, community centers and first time stallholders get first consideration. In the interests of representing Melbourne's northern suburbs we've defined 'north' as the cities of Yarra, Darebin and Moreland.
  • Remembering how hot the start of February was last year the running times for this market have been changed to 9:30am to 2:30pm. This allows shoppers to visit the market before the day gets too hot and means those with outdoor stalls won't be roasting on High St all afternoon. The different time will be listed on the February market poster, our advertisements and all online promotions.
  • Please be mindful of your 2 x 2mtr space restrictions with indoor and outdoor stalls. Don't be offended if we ask you to take down a rack or stand because it impinges on other stalls.

  • Outdoor stall applicants need to be prepared for four seasons in one day! As the market will be going ahead, come rain hail or shine........
Also please do not forget to email through images of your products to northsidemakers [at] gmail.com. Images need to be under 500kb each. If you have had a stall with us before, no need to email pictures again unless your product range has changed.

We look forward to seeing all the fabulous new things you've made over Christmas and the new year and having another fantastic market day for all.........

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