Monday, August 24, 2009

About Us

A little bit about us .... the founding members of the Northside Makers Collective.

Jennie @ Mrs Beckinsale
Having stitched her way from maternity frocks to bridesmaids from hell this WAHM has embraced her urban pride and now lends her talents to the quirky and fantastic W Class Cushions.

A growing range of products that will leave you nostalgic for the days of conductors, hole-punched tickets and state-owned public transport.

Jay @ Finki
Crafting for the masses after a life of mass crafting, Jay from
Finki displays a love of fine food, vintage garb and objects rich in color, print and form.

Creating an eclectic array of jewelery, stationary and home wares to sell both online and at local Melbourne markets Jay looks forward to the time when the government announces longer days, free childcare and a craft store on every corner.

Margaret @ Konstant Kaos
Teacher, Crafter, Businesswoman and Mother ... Margaret runs a small business called Konstant Kaos, which is reflective of the changes in her life since she had her daughter.

She comes from a teaching and costuming background and is interested in all crafty things!

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