Thursday, September 3, 2009

There's no turning back now ..

The first we heard of the article was someone emailing us saying "I read about you in the Northcote Leader".

From that point onwards it was almost like a World of Warcraft quest to try and find a copy of the Leader...

But find it we did, and check out our cheesy grins. We're tickled pink to have our first bit of publicity so early in the scheme of things. This crafty explosion in the north is gonna be huge.

Thank you to all the stall holders wanting to join in on the fun. We'll be handing out our first lot of application forms on Saturday at the Made in Thornbury Market. Application forms will then be available on this blog from Monday onwards.


  1. look at those spunky organisers (:
    who wouldn't want to join them in there crafty adventures?

  2. It's a great article guys. well done!

  3. wow, great one girls! goodluck with it all.


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