Friday, October 2, 2009

Meet and Greet

Last night we held our first stall holder meet and greet for the Northside Makers Market. Stallholders were invited along for a get together at the Wesley Anne on High Street in Northcote and a walk through of the church hall where we are going to have our market.

Ended up that the hall had double booked us so we unfortunately interrupted a meditation group going through their motions! But a good time was had by all. Stallholders got to talk to each other and the newbies got to ask lots of questions!

We look forward to many more opportunities to get to know this fabulous community of crafty sellers in our neighbourhood.

1 comment:

  1. what a great idea! I am thinking it is going to be impossible for me to get to the market this Saturday (bummer) but I am really keen on signing up for the November market - will this be possible after the day?? please say yes! I really want to get on board!!

    ~ Samone


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